Tuesday, July 30, 2013

HBL staff to obtain Educational allowance

Habib Bank human resource department has started guiding their staff about the procedure of obtaining educational allowance for their children. As per agreement between HBL management and staff CBA and officer unions, Bank will provide some amount for the children who are studding on collage or school level.
This Allowance is sanctioned on submission of Photocopies of latest Marks Sheets, Admission Receipts Or Monthly Fees Receipts of their children on yearly basis.
The Academic Session of all the institutions for the year 2012-2013 has completed and  the Academic Session for the year 2013-2014 is about to commence.
You are  therefore, requested to advise all concerned staff to submit fresh Admission Receipts / Marks Sheets / Monthly Performance Reports / Fees Payment Receipts etc. of their  children who are still receiving education, along with enclosed forrn to continue their education allowance for the next Academic Session.

NBP the largest and the most efficient lender to farmer

Among all the financial institutions involved in lending to farmers National Bank of Pakistan (NBP) achieved nearly 120% of its target in agri loans and the second best performer after Allied Bank Limited (ABL), which has achieved 146% of the allocated target for the year ended June 30, 2013.
However, among the ‘Big Five’, NBP is the largest and the most efficient lenders to the farmers. This conclusion can be drawn if one compares NBP and ABL.
The first parameter is over all size of disbursement. While NBP disturbed over Rs57 billion, ABL lent Rs27 billion only.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Bank Alfalah And Pakistan Bait-Ul-Mal Launch Bio Metric Based Payment

Karachi, July 25, 2013: Bank Alfalah has signed an agreement with Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal (PBM) for introducing a biometric based payment disbursement solution to its beneficiaries in different parts of the country.  Under the agreement, the Bank will provide cash disbursements via its branchless banking offering to the beneficiaries of the Bait-ul-Mal Child Support Program as a pilot program (initially in the districts of Swat). Once successfully complete, this transparent disbursement mechanism may be extended at a broader scale to other areas in Pakistan. 

NBP re-launch Islamic banking

Karachi: National Bank of Pakistan has decided to re brand and  re-launch its Islamic banking after the gap of almost 4 years. NBP Islamic Banking re-launched under the new brand name, AITEMAAD,  means trust.
National bank open its Islamic banking branches during 2006 to 2009. NBP not able to focused on Islamic banking in last 4 years and no new Islamic banking branch added into the network, the number has not gone beyond 8 over the years.

Implementation Date of Public Sector Companies

ISLAMABAD, July 24: The federal government has extended the date of implementation of the 2013 Public Sector Companies (Corporate Governance) Rules, 2013 to August 8, 2013. The rules issued by the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan to provide a governance framework for the public sector companies are aimed at turning around their performance, minimizing political interference in their management and ensuring effective use of public assets and resources. The rules are available at the SECP’s website (www.secp.gov.pk).

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Banks Surpass Annual Agri Credit Disbursement Target

Banks have surpassed the agricultural credit disbursement target of Rs. 315 billion set by the SBP for the year ending 30th June 2013. Against the indicative target of Rs 315 billion, the banks disbursed Rs 336.1 billion, which is Rs 21.1 billion in excess of the target for FY2012-13 and 14.4% higher than the last year’s disbursements of Rs 293.8 billion. Further, the agri. outstanding portfolio stands at Rs 257.0 billion at end June, 2013 showing an increase of 16% compared with the last year position of Rs 221.5 billion.

SBP Make Express Centers To Disburse Fresh Currency Note

The State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) has decided to fully utilize the large network of over 10,000 commercial banks branches all over the country, and all field offices of SBP Banking Services Corporation (BSC) for distribution of fresh currency notes to the general public during the holy month of Ramazan 2013.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Pak Oman Asset Management Company Limited under Watch

 JCR-VIS Credit Rating Company Limited (JCR-VIS) has placed the Management Quality Rating of ‘AM3-’ (AM-Three Minus) assigned to Pak-Oman Asset Management Company Limited (POAMCL), under ‘Rating Watch Developing’ status.

AKD Investment Management Limited under ‘Rating Watch’

JCR-VIS Credit Rating Company Limited (JCR-VIS) has placed the Management Quality Rating of ‘AM3-’ (AM3 Minus) assigned to AKD Investment Management Limited (AKDIML) under ‘Rating Watch Developing’ status.

NBP Leasing Limited Rating at A+/A-1

JCR-VIS Credit Rating Company Limited (JCR-VIS) has reaffirmed the entity ratings of NBP Leasing Limited (NBPL) at ‘A+/A-1’ (Single A Plus/A-One). Outlook on the assigned ratings remains ‘Positive’.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Islamic Banking Media Campaign launched in Pakistan

Mr. Yaseen Anwar, Governor State Bank of Pakistan has said concerted efforts are required for enhancing the depth and breadth of Islamic banking industry while launching the Mass Media Campaign for Promotion of Islamic banking, today.

CCP’s Action Result in Compliance by Sunland Foods, Toyota, with Competition Law

As part of its efforts to promote fair business practices and curb deceptive marketing by firms, the Competition Commission of Pakistan (CCP) has recently taken actions thus resulting in corrective behavior and compliance by the companies under scrutiny.

Pacra Assigns Ratings To Sme Bank Limited

The Pakistan Credit Rating Agency Limited (PACRA) has assigned a long term rating of  "BBB" (Triple B) and short term rating of   "A3" (A Three) to SME Bank Limited (SMEBL). The ratings denote adequate capacity for timely payment of financial commitments.However, the ratings have 'negative outlook'

Bank Islami Mantain Rating with Positive Outlook

The Pakistan Credit Rating Agency (PACRA) has maintained the long-term and short-term entity ratings of BankIslami Pakistan Limited(BIPL) at "A" (Single A) and "A1" (A One) respectively. These ratings denote a low expectation of credit risk emanating from a strong capacity for timely payment of financial commitments. Meanwhile, "Positive Outlook" has been assigned to these ratings.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Etihad Airways Offers Breaking Deals

Karachi: July 16, 2013 – Etihad Airways, National airline of the United Arab Emirates, is offering its guests in Pakistan exciting discounts in Coral Economy for flights to Europe, USA, Middle East & Africa.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Pakistan Foreing Currency Reserves Drop Further

Pakistan's foreign currency reserves dropped to $10,543.5 million in the week ending July 5, 2013 from $11,007.0 million the previous week, the central bank said.
The forex reserves of the country witnessed continues decreased due to large debt repayment International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank (WB) and rising trade deficit during last months.
Data issued by State Bank of Pakistan show that business week ended on July 5, total foreign currency reserves down $ 463.5 and stood at $ 10,543.5.
Foreign currency reserves held by central bank are $ 5,546.5 million and held by commercial banks are $ 4,997.0 million.
Pakistan recently complete discussion with IMF to for the borrowing new loan worth of $5 billion. IMF in its September board meeting will consider this. Pakistan's finance minister Ishaq Dar said Pakistan request IMF to increased loan volume up to $7 billion.  

Wednesday, July 10, 2013



Mr. Ashraf Mahmood Wathra, Deputy Governor Banking, State Bank of Pakistan has outlined five key aspects of the Microfinance Summit 2013, in his closing and way forward remarks while chairing the Closing Session of the Microfinance Summit at a local hotel in Islamabad today.

He said that the summit was a huge success in bringing together all the stakeholders who shared their unique experiences and developed recommendations to enhance access to inclusive financial services for the financially excluded economic and geographic segments.

Mr.Wathra said that financial inclusion movement has prompted innovative developments in Pakistan and elsewhere. However, it is often that ‘innovations’ are viewed differently by various stakeholders. It is, therefore, important to keep on analyzing and discussing new ideas and solutions to agree on the way forward and chart the avenues for further collaborations to reach out to the marginalized, poor and low-income people.

He said that the summit has developed broader understanding of the opportunities and challenges facing the microfinance sector in Pakistan:
·        First, Government offered full support to the development of microfinance sector on sustainable basis and the participants have appreciated the vision of the new Government. I am sure that this will help us in taking the microfinance to the next level.

·        Second, microfinance sector has received a lot of support from the government, State Bank, and donors in the form of an enabling policy and regulatory framework and funding support resulting in transformation of MFIs into regulated microfinance banks, a well-capitalized and diversified micro-banking sector and catalyzing innovations in delivery channels etc., We have a long way to go especially in increasing sustainable financial access and usage of a broad range of services (savings, credit, payments, and insurance) to the most-excluded segments such as poor entrepreneurs in under-developed areas, women and youth. In this context, it is important to adopt a market segmentation approach which would help us in analyzing the gaps at different segments, and develop timely and appropriate policy responses and solutions.

·        Third, the summit has developed consensus that the focus of microfinance industry should now be on improved governance, deepening the strength of management teams and improved system of control and information flow. Fourth, it is encouraging to note that microfinance players are keen on finding ways to lower their operating costs and offer convenience to their clients through partnerships with branchless banking providers.

·        Fifth, the summit has also highlighted the importance of value chains and its linkages with improving livelihoods.

In the end, Mr. Wathra reassured that financial inclusion will remain a key policy objective of the State Bank, and it will continue to provide full support to the microfinance sector as it is an important policy tool to promote inclusive economic growth.


Government of Pakistan borrow Rs 232,169 million form banking secotr.

G O V E R N M E N T   O F   P A K I S T A N   M A R K E T   T R E A S U R Y   B I L L S

To serve budget deficit Pakistan's federal government borrow Rs. 232,169 million rupees form banking sector. This borrowing was taken in first T-Bill auction of the fiscal year started on 1st July, 2013. 

 Tenders for Sale of 3-Months, 6-Months & 12-Months Government of Pakistan Market Treasury Bills were invited by the State Bank of Pakistan, Karachi through Primary Dealers on July 10, 2013. Bids were opened at 12:00 hours on July 10, 2013 which was received as follows:

Realized Value
Face Value
Out of the above bids, the accepted bids are as under:
Cut - Off 
Avg. Yield
